Saturday, September 13, 2008

La Tresanta

At 3600m high this would get us ready for the climb to Grand Paradiso. A straight forward glacier traverse was followed by a climb over a snow bridge at the bergschrund at the top of the glacier and a rock climb onto the ridge itself. That was followed by a long and tiring climb to the summit in mist. Some photos and a little bit to eat and we headed back down. No views due to the poor weather but we were sure we would benefit from the altitude.

The descent was tricky and required good judgement.

The return to the hut in mist and rain made us wonder if we would have the weather window the next morning. The decision was to get up at 3.30am anyway and be ready for the start. We got ourselves ready (removing any equipment judged too heavy and were in bed at 9.00 pm.

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