Sunday, April 6, 2008

highs and lows

We got a place to stay in Argentiere in the Belvedere. Very basic but nice people. The rooms are all based around 4 bunks so it would have been better if Matt was with us. We have a different guest every night but there you go.

A good day practicing skills near the Lognan and Grand Montet. Skinned up about 900 meters and practiced avalanche rescue skills

The weather is not in our favour but we are setting off tomorrow anyway from Chamonix. The plan is to go to the Argentiere Hut at 2700 m to assist with the altitude training. We will then ski down to the Chardonnet Glacier and move on to the Trient Hut. The following day we will go to Champex and then on to start the Verbier route proper.

At lot of snow is forcast but we might get to Verbier before it or we will be beaten back by the weather.

The training and the nights sleep at the Argentier Hut will hopefully mean that we will be in good nick for the Chardonnet Glacier but we are prepared to back off if the conditions aren't correct. We are adding 2 days to the Verbier route by doing it this way but that is not an uncommon option.

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